Lil Laughs Corporation

Eliminating the effects of bullying, and building confidence for all youth
Lil’ Laughs recognizes the challenges faced by students in schools to succeed in spite of the social and emotional learning barriers affecting their outcomes. Lil Laughs seeks to combat the self-esteem issues that plague our students everyday and build confidence through an anti-bullying campaign fueled by comedy! We believe every student deserves to learn, grow, and produce as their most authentic selves. Through self confidence, strengthening of communication skills, and mediation methods, our young people will have a better chance at a brighter future, pursuing challenging careers with even greater success.
No Borders and No Limits
Lil’ Laughs recognizes the challenges faced by students in schools to succeed in spite of the social and emotional learning barriers affecting their outcomes.
Trauma experienced at a young age can often lead to acting out in school and bullying. For many students in Baltimore City, trauma comes as a result of living in high-risk environments – areas with high rates of violence or poverty. When schools lack the tools to combat the residual effects of trauma, all students, whether the aggressor or victim, become victims of bullying. Your donation today helps us expand our reach into more schools!

Improved School Attendance for Participants
Improved School Morale
Improved Academic Performance
Improved Peer to Peer and Peer to Staff Communication
Increased Graduation Rates Among Student participants
Decreased Instances of Bullying or Violence
Mediation Groups in Schools for Minor Conflict Resolution
Youth Led Peer to Peer Mentoring and Support groups
NEW Student artist and entrepreneurs
Empowering Communities through Laughter.